
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

This blog post has been weeks in the making! Because I'm lazy, that is, though. I haven't been in SL much and every time I log in I see this outfit I'm wearing and go "gosh I look cute, I should blog that" and then....I don't. So I've been wearing this for like 3 weeks now. I stink. (I am so procrastinating that I wrote this post yesterday and didn't actually finish, so now the dates are wrong, IT'S LIKE TIME TRAVEL)

So lets do the rundown!

I generally avoid applier clothing unless it's for layering, it just feels like a step backwards a lot of the time but it actually does have a lot of advantages, for instance, fit will always be perfect. And this incredibly pretty cami by Nylon Outfitters, the lace on it is so delicate, I feel like it would be difficult to get that feeling of lightness on full mesh clothing. PLUS wearing it, I don't have to worry about what fits underneath my coat.

My Thessaly coat came out last year, by Schadenfreude, but at the time I was a Toddleedoo, and so I wasn't able to take full advantage of its awesomeness. It has a big hood, which you can wear up or down with a click, and comes in several eye-soothing shades with Allegory's wonderful swirls on them, and looks even better if you're a little more statuesque than I am.

My pants are by Blueberry and what I love about them is that they're not ultra low-cut (no bum crack here) but they're also not soooo high-waisted that you can't find a shirt that works with them. I fatpacked the colourful leather option, but there's also a denim pack. I like how the orange here is a sort of creamsicle shade, it's like a more soft autumn look.

The shades of green in my fri.day shoes mirror the greens in my jacket so nicely, and I've accesorized with a ribbon choked from an old Junbug gacha - I played that thing so much, I've got about a million of these, and GDit's new Fishing for Compliments set, comprising of the bag and the matching colorful fishscale nails.

I didn't capture it too well in the pictures, but this hair by Doe is actually an updo, the lush curls at the front are in fact the bangs of the style, it's really very pretty.

Now I feel like I need to wear something spookier, the creepytime approacheth and here's me all pumpkin-spice-latte fallwear!


Hair: Doe - Opal
Top: Nylon Outfitters - Silky Cami Belly Shirt (Maitreya applier)
Coat: Schadenfreude - Thessaly Hooded Jacket - Forest
Pants: Blueberry - Tali Leather Fall Pants
Shoes: fri.day - Zoe Heels - Olive
Choker: Junbug - Highland Ribbon Necklace - white (gacha)
Bag: GDit - Fishing for Compliments purse
Eyes: Veechi - Diva Smoke Eyeshadow - Copper
Lips: Pink Fuel - Harley - Lipstick - Beestung
Nails: GDit - Fishing For Compliments
Image 1: Bang - Homme20
Image 2: CW Poses - Wet S3
The Basics:
Skin: Pink Fuel -  Harley V2 - Porcelain
Eyes: Buzzeri -  Glacier Eyes- Jade
Mesh Body: Maitreya - Lara
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Flat (R) and Casual (L)
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet - Deluxe
Ears: Mandala - Steking Ears - Season 5
Hairbase: Just Magnetized - Natural Hairbase - set 03
Freckles: Pekka - Dark Freckles + Star Upper Cheek
Mudskin - Face Mole 6
Lashes: FATEwear - FATElashes
Brows: Buzzeri - Nikohl Eyebrow - Lighter Tintable
Various tattoo layers:
Nova - Eyebags - Light / 50%/Hard

Okkbye - The Button Nose

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Goodness, look at me, wearing clothes intended for adults! Incredible! Not just any grownups clothes, grownups clothes that are coordinated! See the part where my dress matches my shoes. I'm terribly fancy. My tasty vintage dress and shoes combo is from GDit, a new mainstore release. The Dinner Party Set includes a fitted mesh dress for standard and mesh bodies, and shoes to fit both Slink and Maitreya feet. It includes not only the cream with coffee accents I'm wearing here, but also a rich coffee with cream detailing of both, and indeed made me want coffee. The iced coffee I'm carrying is from the Gilded Cage gacha by Tres Blah, from the round of Arcade which has just ended. It's almost my drink of choice from Starbucks - an iced mocha, with no whip. And an extra shot. But this seems milkier than I want. Ah well. 

I'm really enjoying being able to wear makeup again. It's a little more of a challenge trying to find new makeup these days for us stubborn types of don't wear a mesh head, but I'm still having a lot of fun finding new-to-me places that offer tattoo layer makeup. I especially love this lipstick from Shiny Stuffs, who now mostly make stuff for Catwa, but have quite a few system cosmetics, and the pouty shape of these red pinup lips is just glorious. I've also been wearing a lot of Veechi makeup lately, here, eyeliner, which I've paired with glitter from an old favorite of mine, Nox. 

My backdrop here is a rather neat gacha set from Culco from earlier this year, Street Sartorial, it comprises various bits of London-inspired street furniture - wall facades, railings, sidewalks, streetlamps, that sort of thing, and is super-useful for photography sets, I love that this sort of thing is becoming more common. 


Hair: Exile - London (gacha)
Dress and shoes: GDit - Tea Party Set
Bracelet: Plastik - Opaline - Multistring Bracelet - Goldenesque (gacha)
Coffee: Tres Blah - The Golden Cage - Iced Coffee (gacha)
Wall, streetlamp: Culco  -Street Sartorial - Outer Wall - Blue, Road Lamp - Light (gacha)
EyesVeechi - Winged Liner 8
Nox - Pearl Liner - Silver
Lips: Shiny Stuffs - Pin Up Lips - Classic Red 2 dkr
Nails: Hello Dave - New Season Berry Gloss 
Image 1: Ilaya - Brigitte Pose 2
Image 2: Flowey - Rise in the Air 
The Basics:
Skin: Pink Fuel -  Harley V2 - Porcelain
Eyes: Buzzeri -  Glacier Eyes- Jade
Mesh Body: Maitreya - Lara
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Flat (R) and Casual (L)
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet - Deluxe
Ears: Mandala - Steking Ears - Season 5
Hairbase: Just Magnetized - Natural Hairbase - set 03
Freckles: Pekka - Dark Freckles + Star Upper Cheek
Mudskin - Face Mole 6
Lashes: Izzies - Mesh Alpha Lashes
Brows: Buzzeri - Nikohl Eyebrow - Lighter Tintable
Various tattoo layers:
Nova - Eyebags - Light / 50%/Hard
Okkbye - The Button Nose

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Sporadic blogger here! Actually it's been less than a month since my last post, I'll pretend that's pretty good going. It's not, really. But, pretending is fun. 

So first of all this dress I am wearing, Krakken, by Vicarious Youth. It's at the Big Dreams For Big Kids event,  and uh, I'm not really supposed to be wearing it (it's sized for Regular Kids), but I squeezed my grownup-size bulk into it because I like it so much. So long as I alpha out my boobs and butt, it more or less works. YMMV, tho, because I don't have so much in the way of boobs and butt in the first place, if you're a curvy curvy lady, you might look a little odd with a completely flat chest. But it's an completely awesome dress, and comes in 4 color options AND also includes matching headband and sneakers, which I am not wearing here. 
Note that if you're reading this right now, RIGHT NOW, on the day of posting, Saturday September 3rd until 8PM SLT, it is the RL birthday of Violet Steamweaver, the owner of Vicarious Youth, and she's having a sale where everything in store is priced to her RL age, which as she has put it, is over 25 but under 50! (it's 37, everything is 37L) The store has stuff to fit Toddleedoo and Big Kid, and some stuff for adults too, so gogo fast and get some fantastic bargains! 

Also gogo fast because the shoes I'm wearing are from yesterday's 50L Friday at Ingenue and you might might still be able to grab them now, if you're reading this in the "now" timeframe mentioned in the previous paragraph. My hair, which helps cover the few places the dress doesn't look right with my Maitreya body, is the most recent from Magika and is called Five Minutes. 

Oh oh and, my tentacle baby who I'm taking for a little walkies here is from the Silentsparrow machine at The Arcade, full of various spookycute things, tentacle plants, mandrakes, little demons, spellbooks, all sorts of goodies, so do be sure to check those out. But first! Sale and shoes! Hurry!


Dress: Vicarious Youth - Krakken - Blue and Green (@ Big Dreams for Big Kids)
Shoes: Ingenue - Maisie Sandals - Midnight Blue
Hair: Magika - Five Minutes
Plant Stand: Alouette - Metal Flower Cart
Plant: Silentsparrow - Something Wicked - Plant - Tentacles! (gacha @ The Arcade)
Grass: Adjunct - Beach Grass
Eyes: Veechi - Glitter Liners - Aqua 
Lips: Angelica - Mellow Lipstick - Wine
Tattoo: silentsparrow - Eclipse Tattoo - Simple (omega applier)
Nails: idon'trememberI'msorry D:
Image 1: Kirin - Maki Pose 6 (edited with Anypose)
Image 2: Verocity - Hermione 1 (edited with Anypose)

The Basics:
Skin: Pink Fuel -  Harley V2 - Porcelain
Eyes: Buzzeri -  Glacier Eyes- Jade
Mesh Body: Maitreya - Lara
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Flat (R) and Casual (L)
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet - Deluxe
Ears: Mandala - Steking Ears - Season 5
Hairbase: Just Magnetized - Natural Hairbase - set 03
Freckles: Pekka - Dark Freckles + Star Upper Cheek
Mudskin - Face Mole 6
Lashes: Izzies - Mesh Alpha Lashes
Brows: Buzzeri - Nikohl Eyebrow - Lighter Tintable
Various tattoo layers:
Nova - Eyebags - Light / 50%/Hard
Okkbye - The Button Nose

Monday, August 8, 2016

Like most of the universe, I have been playing Pokemon Go and having a lovely time at it. Three guesses what team I...well. Yeah. It's a given really. It's the most Hufflepuff of all the PoGo teams for sure! But I've been playing Pokemon almost since the start. ALMOST. My first was Pokemon Yellow, which ties in nicely with Instinct. I guess Gen 1.5, I've been playing since. On my I think Pokemon Y Black 2 card, I've got a full living Pokedex, all 650 pokemon who existed up to that point, transferred painstakingly from games going back to the era of GameBoy Advance. 

I'm pretty cool. (this is a lie)

So, onto what I'm wearing here! My t-shirt is one I actually have in RL, albeit in a rather more form-fitting size. It (the SL version) is from Vicarious Youth, upon whom I became somewhat dependent in the period I was an SMB-sized child, but for a lot of her stuff she actually offers a LOT of sizes, for instance this baggy tee includes standard sizes for male and female adults, big kids, and toddleedoo kids. It's a really nice comfortable fit. 

The majority of my accessories here are from a gacha by Astralia at the Manga Fair 2016, which features pokedex thingies, visors, belts, pokeballs and so on, in all the team colors plus Jigglypuff pink, and some rather fantastic Rare backpacks. 

My boots are by Schadenfreude, and are actually rather festive snowboots, but I felt like they served me better for the idea of hiking around a forest hunting Pokemon than the high heeled sandals I was wearing before! 


Hair: Wasabi Pills - Marceline
Shirt: Vicarious Youth - Baggy Tee - Instinct Academy
Shorts: Tee*fy - Anja Shorts - Stripes
Boots: Schadenfreude - Miche Boots
Visor: Astralia - The Perfect Trainer - Visor - Yellow (gacha @ The Manga Fair 2016)
BackpackAstralia - The Perfect Trainer - Little Yellow Power (gacha @ The Manga Fair 2016)
RadarAstralia - The Perfect Trainer - Radar Devide - Yellow (gacha @ The Manga Fair 2016)
Stump: shine by [ZD] - Tales from the forest- Tree stumps (gacha)
Pokestop: Nyandemonium - Pokestop 
Lips: Angelica - Cherry Lips #5 (gacha)
Nails: Figure - Pokeball Nails set
Image 1: bang - stand549m (edited with AnyPose)
Image 2: GlamRus - Laney 04

The Basics:
Skin: Pink Fuel -  Harley V2 - Porcelain
Eyes: Buzzeri -  Glacier Eyes- Jade
Mesh Body: Maitreya - Lara
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Flat (R) and Casual (L)
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet - Deluxe
Ears: Mandala - Steking Ears - Season 5
Hairbase: Just Magnetized - Natural Hairbase - set 03
Freckles: Pekka - Dark Freckles + Star Upper Cheek
Mudskin - Face Mole 6
Lashes: Fatelashes 2.0
Brows: Buzzeri - Nikohl Eyebrow - Lighter Tintable
Various tattoo layers:
Nova - Eyebags - Light / 50%/Hard
Okkbye - The Button Nose

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Last week I helped out at Richmond Survival Camp. Well "helped out" might be too strong a phrase. Mostly I sort of stood around and occasionally said stuff. It was nice. This is what I wore that whole time. I had vague notions of changing my outfit from time to time but then I was like, nah.

The majority of my outfit is from a gacha by FDD Stories, which was in last year's pirate-themed Fantasy Gacha Carnival. I bought it all on the Marketplace because...I wanted it all.
The hat is from the Alchemy gacha which was at the same event last year, as was, I'm relatively certain, the necklace by ieQED. So the moral of the story is, time travel back to that event for all your pirate needs!

Credits to follow 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

As it tends to be, it's been a long time, but here I am again. Yay me. 

My circumstances have changed lately. You might notice I'm tall again. I still can't say grown-up. I've had to put a lot of things behind me, a lot of wonderful things, and to go back to being just....not-a-kid. It feels weird and void and empty and lonely and I don't know what to do or how to act. But I can't go back. 

So I'm doing the only thing I knew how to do before. This. 

So I'm rusty, and I'm old fashioned, and my head is made of system. But I'm back here again, doing what I can. I don't really remember the etiquette of posting, even, after what's basically been a year. So don't mind me if I mess up. 

I know you won't. 


Hair: Lamb - Margaux
Top: Foxes - Lacy Bralette (@ LuxeBox July)
Pants: Valentina E - Pari Harem Pants - Night (gacha @ The Epiphany)
Shoes: ROC - Gloria Heels 
Bracelets: Velvet Whip - High Bracelet C05 (gacha)
Piercing: Atooly - Ava Septum - gold 
Flying Carpet: Enfant Terrible - Magic Carpet Ride Red (gacha)
LipsNova - Nikohl Lipstick - oo7
Nails: Alaskametro - Muse 
Tattoo: Nanika - Bright Colors tattoo
Selfmade with Anypose Basic
The Basics:
Skin: Pink Fuel -  Harley V2 - Porcelain
Eyes: Buzzeri -  Glacier Eyes- Jade
Mesh Body: Maitreya - Lara
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Flat (R) and Casual (L)
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet - Deluxe
Ears: Mandala - Steking Ears - Season 5
Hairbase: Just Magnetized - Natural Hairbase - set 03
Freckles: Pekka - Dark Freckles + Star Upper Cheek
Mudskin - Face Mole 6
Lashes: Izzies - Mesh Alpha Lashes
Brows: Buzzeri - Nikohl Eyebrow - Lighter Tintable
Various tattoo layers:
Nova - Eyebags - Light / 50%/Hard
Okkbye - The Button Nose